Music Through Us  
is a virtual moment dedicated to art, cultures and sharing.

"One, must travel to learn,"  Mark Twain.

Art, especially music, allows us to have a common language that unites, inspires and gives us the opportunity to travel and discover traditions and cultures from all over the world, even in these times when it is almost impossible to move physically. 
Thus, Fatjona will be hosting several worldwide friends and personalities for a virtual Talk Show to share their approach to music, their cultures, traditions; their worlds...  


Contribute to the project by supporting Fatjona and highlighting the music, ethnocultural issues and the beauty of diversity in the world


Season I - ​Albanians cultural heritage

Episode 2

Fisnik Ismaili - The freedom has a name: 
Kosovo Liberation Army

Fisnik Ismaili, an Albanian from Kosovo, will share with us his story, since his childhood to his escape from the Bosnian war in 1991, his life as an immigrant, the creation of NEWBORN for which he was awarded "Lion d'Or" in Cannes. 
He will describe one of the bloodiest battles between Albanians and Serbs (the battle of Koshare) and his activity in this battle with the Kosovo Liberation Army.
This second episode is a testimony that reflects the strength of the most isolated country in Europe and the strength of a nation that has always had to fight for its rights and continues to do so. 

Episode 3

Sami Flamuri 
The beauty of Albanian Highlands in Montenegro

Sami Flamuri, an Albanian writer from Montenegro, born in Sydney/Australia, will share with us the beauty of Kelmend High Mountains which are today part of Montenegro state.
He will describe the singularity of music and dances of sea side, the rites, the food. 
We will discover his family story, the autobiographical book he wrote with his twin brother, and many more ….